How's the Gravity across the Milky Way?

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Surface gravity (g force)

Weight/how high you can jump on Object
Sun The Sun 28
Mercury 0.375
Venus 0.91
Earth 1
Moon 0.16665
Mars 0.375
Phobos Phobos 0.00051044
Ceres 0.028
Jupiter 2.6
Io 0.18328
Ganymede 0.1335
Europa 0.1448
Callisto 0.1264
Saturn 1.08
Titan 0.13574
Enceladus 0.113
Pan 0.0001
Calypso 0.41
Uranus 0.92
Titania 0.039
Puck 0.0027
Miranda Miranda 0.0079
Caliban 0.002
Neptune 1.12
Proteus 0.006
Despina 0.11
Galatea 0.11
Triton 0.079933
Pluto 0.06
Charon 0.0375
Eris 0.09
Haumea 0.045
Makemake 0.05
Proxima Centauri 4.97
Alpha Centauri A 4.3
Alpha Centauri B 4.37
Sirius A 56
Sirius B 320560
Neutron star 189610000000
Black hole 1 x 10^googol